Product Information

Honor Vietnam veterans who returned home and later died of causes related to their service by wearing this unique patch that includes the words from the In Memory plaque in Washington, D.C.: IN MEMORY OF THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVED IN THE VIETNAM WAR AND LATER DIED AS A RESULT OF THEIR SERVICE. WE REMEMBER AND HONOR THEIR SACRIFICE.


Current Stock: 35
Width: 4.00
Height: 2.60
Depth: 0.07

Customer Reviews 5 (3 Reviews) Write a review of this product

5 Stars
In Memory patch

Heartbreaking but so true I will wear it with pride.

5 Stars

Good reminder for Grandchildren of their Papa's service and their visit to all the War Memorials & my sharing stories & how the plaque & The Wall changed from plain stone/bronze to beautiful floral art by All of us who shared Father's Day in DC placing roses to honor our Heroes!

5 Stars
In Memory Patch

Proud to wear this patch; reminds me of my brothers in arms who never returned and the born brother I lost to Agent Orange after he returned. Well made, looks great.